Tuesday, August 7, 2012

P90X Recovery Week

So I am on week 3 of P90X and this is the recovery week which means yoga and stretching and two cardio/core workouts. Today was Core Synergistics and I must say that this workout I really liked. It was fast paced, worked every part of your body and most of all, I had fun doing it.
The Banana Roll was a cool move and there were the Sphinx Push Ups that I had never done before either. Now, this wasn't as hard of a workout as anything I did with Insanity but it was the most I have enjoyed a P90X workout to date.
I think the problem I am having is that I came to P90X from Insanity and P90 seems slow in comparison, which is not fair because one is plyo and cardio and the other is muscle training but the core and cardio/plyo in P90X is nothing compared.
I am however, seeing benefits from P90X as my core is looking better and I am seeing good lines in my shoulders, my arms are more defined and there are some muscles showing up that I did not know I had. I have upped my weights on some moves as well.
Plus, my wife says I am looking good and that makes a world of difference to me.
These programs do work and I am proof positive that with a good diet and good exercise program you can achieve a great amount in a small amount of time.

Have any of you been through P90X or are thinking about going through it? What are your thoughts/concerns?

I am also now going to be hosting an Insanity and P90X class at my work. I hope I have a good amount of people show up for them.

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